Cmajor Code

Cmajor Code is a new IDE for Cmajor for Windows. It was first written in the Cmajor programming language, but due to mysterious slowing problem it was converted to C++. You can edit, compile, debug, and run programs from cmcode.


The editor contains basic editing functionality, copy/cut/paste and undo/redo.


cmcode provides compiling of projects and solutions by launching cmbs, a build server written in C++. The build server contains Cmajor compilers for LLVM and C++ backends.


When a program has been compiled using the C++ backend, it can be debugged from cmcode. The debugging functionality is provided by running cmdb, a debugger that drives GDB. The debugger is a C++ program.


Programs can be run from cmcode by selecting Debug | Start Without Debugging menu item. The input and output of a console program is directed to the Console window included in the IDE.

Many instances

You can have many instances of cmcode running at the same time. The IDE obtains unique TCP port numbers from cmpms, a port map server, that has a range of free port numbers. The port number range that the port map server delivers is in the C:\cmajor\config\cmpm.config.xml configuration file.

The port number server can be stopped and restarted from the Cmajor Port Map Monitor that can be started from the IDE by selecting View | Port Map.

Code completion

When editing code, the IDE obtains possible symbols for the current editing context from the Cmajor code completion server (cmccs) and shows them in a code completion list:

The code completion list contains a category, name, description and details for each symbol that starts with letters typed. The categories of the symbols are shown in the following table:

Category Description
AR array type
BT basic type
CL class
CO concept
CN constant
DG delegate
CD class delegate
ET enumerated type
EC enumeration constant
FN function
IN interface
KW keyword
NS namespace
TP template parameter
TY typedef
PA parameter
MV member variable
LV local variable
GV global variable
SY other symbol


The code completion list keyboad shortcuts are shown in the following table:

Key Description
enter select entry
down arrow next entry
up arrow previous entry
page down next page
page up previous page
ESC hide code completion list
control space show code completion list

Parameter help

When a code completion entry is selected with the ENTER key, and the selected symbol is a function, class or concept symbol, a parameter help window is shown:

When the selected symbol is a function symbol, the parameter help window shows the overloads of that function. The down arrow key selects the next overload and the up arrow key selects the previous overload.

When the selected symbol is a class symbol, the parameter help window shows classes that have the same name but different template parameter arities. The down arrow key selects the next class and the up arrow key selects the previous class.

When the selected symbol is a concept symbol, the parameter help window shows concepts that have the same name but different template parameter arities. The down arrow key selects the next concept and the up arrow key selects the previous concept.

Enabling and disabling code completion

Code completion can be turned off by pressing Control-T or unchecking the Edit | Options | Code completion checkbox. It can be re-enabled by pressing Control-T again or checking the Edit | Options | Code completion checkbox.