1 using System;
  2 using System.Collections;
  3 using CodeFormatter = System.Text.CodeFormatter;
  5 namespace cmsx.intermediate
  6 {
  7     public class BasicBlock
  8     {
  9         public nothrow BasicBlock(Function& function_uint id_) : function(function_)id(id_)registerDescriptors(function.context.regs)empty(true)
 10         {
 11         }
 12         public nothrow void AddInstruction(Instruction* instructionMDStructRef* metadata)
 13         {
 14             instruction->parent = this;
 15             instruction->metadata = metadata;
 16             instructions.Add(UniquePtr<Instruction>(instruction));
 17             empty = false;
 18         }
 19         public nothrow Instruction* GetLeader() const
 20         {
 21             return instructions.Front().Get();
 22         }
 23         public nothrow Instruction* GetLastInstruction() const
 24         {
 25             if (!instructions.IsEmpty())
 26             {
 27                 return instructions.Back().Get();
 28             }
 29             else
 30             {
 31                 return null;
 32             }
 33         }
 34         public nothrow List<UniquePtr<Instruction>>& Instructions()
 35         {
 36             return instructions;
 37         }
 38         public void MapInstructions(uint& nextIdNumber)
 39         {
 40             for (const UniquePtr<Instruction>& instruction : instructions)
 41             {
 42                 ValueInstruction* valueInst = instruction.Get() as ValueInstruction*;
 43                 if (valueInst != null)
 44                 {
 45                     IdValue* idValue = valueInst->Result() as IdValue*;
 46                     if (idValue != null)
 47                     {
 48                         if (idValue->id != nextIdNumber)
 49                         {
 50                             throw Exception("error: value number " + ToString(nextIdNumber) + " expected for " + instruction->OperationName() + " instruction at line " + ToString(instruction->line));
 51                         }
 52                         function.MapInstruction(idValue->idinstruction.Get());
 53                         nextIdNumber = nextIdNumber + 1u;
 54                     }
 55                     else
 56                     {
 57                         throw Exception("internal error: value instruction '" + instruction->OperationName() + "' at line " + ToString(instruction->line) + " has no id value");
 58                     }
 59                 }
 60             }
 61         }
 62         public void Validate()
 63         {
 64             function.ResetNextArgIndex();
 65             long n = instructions.Count();
 66             int numParams = 0;
 67             int numArgs = 0;
 68             List<ArgInstruction*> args;
 69             for (long i = 0; i < n; ++i;)
 70             {
 71                 Instruction* instruction = instructions[i].Get();
 72                 if (i < n - 1 && (instruction is TerminatorInstruction*))
 73                 {
 74                     throw Exception("error: terminator instruction " + instruction->OperationName() + " at line " + ToString(instruction->line) + " found in the middle of a basic block");
 75                 }
 76                 else if (i == n - 1 && !(instruction is TerminatorInstruction*) && !(instruction is NoOperationInstruction*))
 77                 {
 78                     throw Exception("error: the last instruction of a basic block, the " + instruction->OperationName() + " instruction at line " + ToString(instruction->line) + " must be a terminator instruction");
 79                 }
 80                 bool resetArgs = true;
 81                 if (instruction is ArgInstruction*)
 82                 {
 83                     ++numArgs;
 84                     resetArgs = false;
 85                     args.Add(cast<ArgInstruction*>(instruction));
 86                 }
 87                 else if (instruction is ParamInstruction*)
 88                 {
 89                     if (id == 0u)
 90                     {
 91                         ++numParams;
 92                     }
 93                     else
 94                     {
 95                         throw Exception("error: a non-entry block contains a param instruction (line " + ToString(instruction->line) + ")");
 96                     }
 97                 }
 98                 else if ((instruction is FunctionCallInstruction*) || (instruction is ProcedureCallInstruction*) || (instruction is TrapInstruction*))
 99                 {
100                     for (ArgInstruction* arg : args)
101                     {
102                         arg->numArgs = numArgs;
103                         if (instruction is TrapInstruction*)
104                         {
105                             arg->trap = true;
106                         }
107                     }
108                 }
109                 instruction->Validate(functionnumArgs);
110                 if (resetArgs)
111                 {
112                     numArgs = 0;
113                     args.Clear();
114                 }
115             }
116             if (id == 0u && numParams != function.type->ParamTypes().Count())
117             {
118                 throw Exception("error: wrong number of param instructions for function " + function.name);
119             }
120         }
121         public void Print(CodeFormatter& formatterint stage)
122         {
123             if (instructions.IsEmpty())
124             {
125                 return;
126             }
127             int indentSize = formatter.IndentSize();
128             formatter.DecIndent();
129             formatter << Format(Name()indentSizeFormatWidth.min);
130             bool first = true;
131             for (const UniquePtr<Instruction>& instruction : instructions)
132             {
133                 instruction->Print(formatter);
134                 if (livenessAndNextUseComputed)
135                 {
136                     instruction->PrintLivenessAndNextUse(60formatter);
137                 }
138                 if (first)
139                 {
140                     first = false;
141                     int fieldPos = 60;
142                     if (livenessAndNextUseComputed)
143                     {
144                         fieldPos = 100;
145                     }
146                     formatter << string(' 'Max(cast<long>(1)fieldPos - formatter.Pos()));
147                     if (predecessors.IsEmpty())
148                     {
149                         if (id != 0u)
150                         {
151                             formatter << "no predecessors!";
152                         }
153                         else
154                         {
155                             formatter << "predecessors: -";
156                         }
157                     }
158                     else
159                     {
160                         formatter << "predecessors: ";
161                         bool f = true;
162                         for (BasicBlock* predecessor : predecessors)
163                         {
164                             if (f)
165                             {
166                                 f = false;
167                             }
168                             else
169                             {
170                                 formatter << ", ";
171                             }
172                             formatter << predecessor->Name();
173                         }
174                     }
175                     formatter.IncIndent();
176                 }
177                 bool machineCodePrinted = false;
178                 if (stage == printMachineCodeStage)
179                 {
180                     instruction->PrintMachineCode(formattermachineCodePrinted);
181                 }
182                 if (!machineCodePrinted)
183                 {
184                     formatter.WriteLine();
185                 }
186             }
187         }
188         public nothrow string Name() const
189         {
190             if (id == prologId)
191             {
192                 return "";
193             }
194             return "@" + ToString(id);
195         }
196         public nothrow void AddPredecessor(BasicBlock* predecessor)
197         {
198             for (BasicBlock* bb : predecessors)
199             {
200                 if (bb == predecessor) return;
201             }
202             predecessors.Add(predecessor);
203         }
204         public nothrow void ComputeLivenessAndNextUse()
205         {
206             livenessAndNextUseComputed = true;
207             long n = instructions.Count();
208             for (long i = 0; i < n; ++i;)
209             {
210                 Instruction* instruction = instructions[i].Get();
211                 if (instruction is LocalInstruction* || instruction is ParamInstruction*)
212                 {
213                     livenessAndNextUseMap[instruction] = MakePair(Liveness.livecast<Value*>(null));
214                 }
215             }
216             for (long i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i;)
217             {
218                 Instruction* instruction = instructions[i].Get();
219                 instruction->ComputeLivenessAndNextUse();
220             }
221         }
222         public nothrow const Pair<LivenessValue*>* GetCurrentLivenessAndNextUse(Value* value)
223         {
224             HashMap<Value*Pair<LivenessValue*>>.ConstIterator it = livenessAndNextUseMap.CFind(value);
225             if (it != livenessAndNextUseMap.CEnd())
226             {
227                 return &it->second;
228             }
229             else
230             {
231                 return null;
232             }
233         }
234         public nothrow void SetValueLivenessAndNextUse(Value* valueLiveness livenessValue* nextUse)
235         {
236             HashMap<Value*Pair<LivenessValue*>>.ConstIterator it = livenessAndNextUseMap.CFind(value);
237             if (it != livenessAndNextUseMap.CEnd())
238             {
239                 livenessAndNextUseMap[value] = MakePair(livenessnextUse);
240             }
241         }
242         public void GenerateCode(MachineCode& machineCodeCodeFormatter& formatter)
243         {
244             function.addressDescriptors.RemoveRegisterLocations();
245             long n = instructions.Count();
246             for (long i = 0; i < n; ++i;)
247             {
248                 Instruction* instruction = instructions[i].Get();
249                 if (i == 200)
250                 {
251                     int  x = 0;
252                 }
253                 instruction->GenerateCode(machineCodeformatter);
254             }
255         }
256         public inline nothrow bool IsEmpty() const
257         {
258             return empty;
259         }
260         public inline nothrow void SetEmpty(bool empty_)
261         {
262             empty = empty_;
263         }
264         public inline nothrow List<BasicBlock*>& Predecessors()
265         {
266             return predecessors;
267         }
268         public inline nothrow void SetId(uint id_)
269         {
270             id = id_;
271         }
272         public inline nothrow uint Id() const
273         {
274             return id;
275         }
276         public Function& function;
277         public RegisterDescriptors registerDescriptors;
278         private uint id;
279         private bool empty;
280         private List<UniquePtr<Instruction>> instructions;
281         private List<BasicBlock*> predecessors;
282         private HashMap<Value*Pair<LivenessValue*>> livenessAndNextUseMap;
283         private bool livenessAndNextUseComputed;
284     }
285 }