System.Concepts Namespace



public concept AdditiveGroup<T>
public concept AdditiveMonoid<T>
public concept AdditiveSemigroup<T>
public concept BackInsertionSequence<T> A Container having an Add operation that appends an element to the end of the container.
public concept BidirectionalContainer<T> A Container whose iterators are BidirectionalIterator s.
public concept BidirectionalIterator<T> An iterator that can move forwards and backwards.
public concept BinaryFunction<T> A function object whose function call operator has two parameters.
public concept BinaryOperation<T> A BinaryFunction object where the return type and the first parameter type of the function call operator are the same type.
public concept BinaryPredicate<T> A Boolean-valued BinaryFunction object.
public concept CommutativeSemiring<T>
public concept Container<T> A collection of elements that provides iterators, element count and empty predicate.
public concept ConversionFromByte<T>
public concept ConversionFromSByte<T>
public concept CopyAssignable<T>
public concept CopyAssignable<T, U>
public concept CopyConstructible<T> Requires a type to have a user defined or compiler generated copy constructor or be of a basic type. A compiler can generate a copy constructor if the class has no suppressed copy constructor and no member variables of a move-only type.
public concept Copyable<T>
public concept DefaultConstructible<T> Requires a type to have a user defined or compiler generated default constructor or be of a basic type.
public concept Destructible<T>
public concept EqualityComparable<T> A type whose objects can be compared with operators == and !=.
public concept EqualityComparable<T, U>
public concept EuclideanSemiring<T>
public concept ForwardContainer<T> A Container whose iterators are ForwardIterator s.
public concept ForwardIterator<T> An iterator that can move forwards.
public concept FrontInsertionSequence<T> A Container having an InsertFront operation that inserts an element to the beginning of the container.
public concept HashFunction<T, Key>
public concept InputIterator<T>
public concept InsertionSequence<T>
public concept Integer<I>
public concept KeySelectionFunction<T, Key, Value>
public concept LessThanComparable<T> A type whose objects can be compared with operators <, >, <= and >=.
public concept LessThanComparable<T, U>
public concept Lockable<T>
public concept Movable<T>
public concept MoveAssignable<T>
public concept MoveConstructible<T> Requires a type to have a user defined or compiler generated move constructor or be of a basic type.
public concept MultiplicativeGroup<T>
public concept MultiplicativeMonoid<T>
public concept MultiplicativeSemigroup<T>
public concept OrderedAdditiveGroup<T>
public concept OrderedAdditiveMonoid<T>
public concept OrderedAdditiveSemigroup<T>
public concept OrderedMultiplicativeSemigroup<T>
public concept OutputIterator<T>
public concept RandomAccessContainer<T> A Container whose iterators are RandomAccessIterator s.
public concept RandomAccessIterator<T> An iterator that can move arbitrary offsets.
public concept Regular<T> A Semiregular type that can be compared for equality and inequality.
public concept Relation<T> A BinaryPredicate that has two parameters of the same type and provides a typedef named Domain . The domain of the relation is the type of the parameters.
public concept Relation<T, U, V>
public concept Semiregular<T> A type that can be default constructed and either copied or moved or both.
public concept Semiring<T>
public concept SignedInteger<I>
public concept TotallyOrdered<T> A Regular type whose objects can be compared with operators <, >, <= and >=.
public concept TotallyOrdered<T, U>
public concept TrivialIterator<T> An iterator is generalization of a pointer. An iterator may have limitations regarding how it can move.
public concept UnaryFunction<T> A function object whose function call operator has one parameter.
public concept UnaryOperation<T> A UnaryFunction object where the return type and the parameter type of the function call operator are the same type.
public concept UnaryPredicate<T> A Boolean-valued UnaryFunction object.
public concept UnsignedInteger<U>