System.Core Module

Namespaces | Files | Concepts

The System.Core module contains primitive types, operations for primitive types, intrinsic functions and intrinsic concepts known by the compiler. It does not have any source code.






concept Common<T, U> Requires type arguments T and U to have a common type. If they have a common type, that type is bound to CommonType symbol that can be used for example in concepts that refine this concept.
concept Convertible<T, U> Requires type T to be implicitly convertible to type U.
concept Derived<T, U> Requires a class type T to derive from a class type U.
concept ExplicitlyConvertible<T, U> Requires type T to be explicitly convertible to type U. If type T is explicitly convertible to U, it can be casted to U.
concept NonreferenceType<T> Requires type T to be a non-reference type.
concept Same<T, U> Requires type T to be exactly the same type as U.