cmp2cmproj converts a Cmajor project file project.cmp to a MSBuild compatible project fle project.cmproj understood by the Cmajor Visual Studio extension.
Usage: cmp2cmproj [options] { project.cmp }
--help | -h | Print help. | |
--verbose | -v | Be verbose. |
cms2sln converts a Cmajor solution file solution.cms to a MSBuild compatible solution file solution.sln understood by the Visual Studio. All Cmajor projects contained by the solution.cms are converted to MSBuild compatible project files project.cmproj.
Usage: cms2sln [options] { solution.cms }
--help | -h | Print help and exit. | |
--verbose | -v | Be verbose. |
cmproj2cmp converts a MSBuild compatible project file project.cmproj to a Cmajor project fle project.cmp understood by the Cmajor compiler cmc.exe.
Usage: cmproj2cmp [options] { project.cmproj }
--help | -h | Print help and exit. | |
--verbose | -v | Be verbose. |