using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.JsonRpc; namespace JsonRpcClient { public class CalculatorClient : Client { public CalculatorClient() { expressionMap = new HashMap<int, string>(); } public override Request GetRequest(int id) { string eof = "CTRL-D"; if (GetPlatform() == { eof = "CTRL-Z"; } Console.WriteLine("enter expression, or " + eof + " to end"); Console.Write("> "); string expression = Console.ReadLine(); if (expression != null) { expressionMap[id] = expression; System.Json.Object params = new System.Json.Object(); params["expression"] = new System.Json.String(expression); return new Request("evaluate", params, new System.Json.Number(id)); } else { return null; } } public override void ProcessResult(System.Json.Value result, int id) { if (result is System.Json.Number) { System.Json.Number number = cast<System.Json.Number>(result); string expression; if (expressionMap.TryGetValue(id, ref expression)) { Console.WriteLine(expression + " = " + number.Val.ToString()); } else { throw new System.Exception("request " + id.ToString() + " not found"); } } else { throw new System.Exception("number expected"); } } public override void ProcessError(int errorCode, string errorMessage, System.Json.Value errorData, int id) { if (errorData is System.Json.String) { System.Json.String dataValue = cast<System.Json.String>(errorData); string data = dataValue.Val; Console.Error.WriteLine("error " + errorCode.ToString() + " processing request " + id.ToString() + ": " + errorMessage + ":\n" + data); } else { throw new System.Exception("string expected"); } } private HashMap<int, string> expressionMap; } } void PrintHelp() { Console.WriteLine("Usage: cminor run [--native] JsonRpcClient.cminora [options]"); Console.WriteLine("JSON-RPC calculator client. Default <node> = localhost. Default <port> = 8080."); Console.WriteLine("options:"); Console.WriteLine("--help (-h) : print help"); Console.WriteLine("--log (-l) : log communication to stderr"); Console.WriteLine("--node=<node> (-n=<node>) : connect to node <node>"); Console.WriteLine("--port=<port> (-p=<port>) : connect to port <port>"); } int main(string[] args) { try { int n = args.Length; string node = "localhost"; string port = "8080"; bool logging = false; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { string arg = args[i]; if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { if (arg == "--help" || arg == "-h") { PrintHelp(); return 0; } else if (arg == "--log" || arg == "-l") { logging = true; } else if (arg.IndexOf('=') != -1) { List<string> components = arg.Split('='); if (components.Count == 2) { if (components[0] == "--node" || components[0] == "-n") { node = components[1]; } else if (components[0] == "--port" || components[0] == "-p") { port = components[1]; } else { throw new System.Exception("unknown option '" + arg + "'"); } } else { throw new System.Exception("unknown option '" + arg + "'"); } } else { throw new System.Exception("unknown option '" + arg + "'"); } } else { throw new System.Exception("unknown option '" + arg + "'"); } } TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient(node, port); if (logging) { tcpClient.Log = Console.Error; } tcpClient.SetClient(new JsonRpcClient.CalculatorClient()); tcpClient.Run(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return 1; } return 0; }