//  ============================================================
//  The binary reader class reads values of basic value types
//  and strings stored to the underlying stream in binary
//  format. Values of basic value types are expected to be in
//  big endian format, and strings encoded using UTF-8 encoding
//  and zero byte terminated. This is the case when the values
//  have been stored to the stream using the BinaryWriter class.
//  ============================================================

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Unicode;

namespace System.IO
    public class UnexpectedEndOfFileException : Exception
        public UnexpectedEndOfFileException(string message) : base(message)

    public void ThrowUxpectedEndOfFile()
        throw new UnexpectedEndOfFileException("unexpected end of file");

    public class BinaryReader : Closable
        public BinaryReader(Stream stream)
            if (stream == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("provided stream is null");
            this.stream = stream;
            this.stringDecoder = new Utf8Decoder(stream);
        public void Close()
        public bool ReadBool()
            byte x = ReadByte();
            return cast<bool>(x);
        public char ReadChar()
            uint x = ReadUInt();
            return cast<char>(x);
        public string ReadString()
            StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
            uint x = stringDecoder.Decode();
            while (x != 0u)
                x = stringDecoder.Decode();
            return b.ToString();
        public sbyte ReadSByte()
            byte x = ReadByte();
            return cast<sbyte>(x);
        public byte ReadByte()
            int x = stream.ReadByte();
            if (x == -1)
            return cast<byte>(x);
        public short ReadShort()
            ushort x = ReadUShort();
            return cast<short>(x);
        public ushort ReadUShort()
            byte x0 = ReadByte();
            byte x1 = ReadByte();
            ushort x = cast<ushort>(x0) << 8u | cast<ushort>(x1);
            return x;
        public int ReadInt()
            uint x = ReadUInt();
            return cast<int>(x);
        public uint ReadUInt()
            byte x0 = ReadByte();
            byte x1 = ReadByte();
            byte x2 = ReadByte();
            byte x3 = ReadByte();
            uint x = cast<uint>(x0) << 24u | cast<uint>(x1) << 16u | cast<uint>(x2) << 8u | cast<uint>(x3);
            return x;
        public long ReadLong()
            ulong x = ReadULong();
            return cast<long>(x);
        public ulong ReadULong()
            byte x0 = ReadByte();
            byte x1 = ReadByte();
            byte x2 = ReadByte();
            byte x3 = ReadByte();
            byte x4 = ReadByte();
            byte x5 = ReadByte();
            byte x6 = ReadByte();
            byte x7 = ReadByte();
            ulong x = cast<ulong>(x0) << 56u | cast<ulong>(x1) << 48u | cast<ulong>(x2) << 40u | cast<ulong>(x3) << 32u | 
                cast<ulong>(x4) << 24u | cast<ulong>(x5) << 16u | cast<ulong>(x6) << 8u | cast<ulong>(x7);
            return x;
        public float ReadFloat()
            uint x = ReadUInt();
            return UIntAsFloat(x);
        public double ReadDouble()
            ulong x = ReadULong();
            return ULongAsDouble(x);
        public void Seek(int pos, Origin origin)
            stream.Seek(pos, origin);
        public int Tell()
            return stream.Tell();
        public Stream ContainedStream
            get { return stream; }
        public int StreamSize
                int pos = Tell();
                Seek(0, Origin.seekEnd);
                int size = Tell();
                Seek(pos, Origin.seekSet);
                return size;
        private Stream stream;
        private Utf8Decoder stringDecoder;

    public extern float UIntAsFloat(uint x);
    public extern double ULongAsDouble(ulong x);