//  =================================================
//  Implementation of red-black tree data structure.
//  The red-black tree is a binary search tree that
//  keeps the tree approximately balanced by applying
//  rotations to it. The maximum path from the root
//  of the tree to the leaf is at maximum twice as
//  long as the shortest path from the root to the
//  leaf.
//  The keys of the nodes must form an ordered set.
//  The ordering used is the less than relationship.
//  Equality comparison of the keys is also performed
//  using the less than operator:
//  when !(x < y) && !(y < x), it is inferred that
//  x == y.
//  =================================================

using System;

namespace System.Collections.Generic
    public class RedBlackTreeNodeBase
        public enum Color { red, black }

        public RedBlackTreeNodeBase(RedBlackTreeNodeBase parent)
            this.color = Color.black;
            this.parent = parent;
            this.left = null;
            this.right = null;
        public Color NodeColor
            get { return color; }
            set { color = value; }
        public RedBlackTreeNodeBase Parent
            get { return parent; }
            set { parent = value; }
        public RedBlackTreeNodeBase Left
            get { return left; }
            set { left = value; }
        public RedBlackTreeNodeBase Right
            get { return right; }
            set { right = value; }
        public bool IsHeaderNode
            get { return color == Color.red && parent != null && parent.parent == this; }
        public static RedBlackTreeNodeBase Min(RedBlackTreeNodeBase n)
            while (n.Left != null)
                n = n.Left;
            return n;
        public static RedBlackTreeNodeBase Max(RedBlackTreeNodeBase n)
            while (n.Right != null)
                n = n.Right;
            return n;
        public static RedBlackTreeNodeBase Prev(RedBlackTreeNodeBase n)
            if (n.IsHeaderNode)
                return n.Right;
            else if (n.Left != null)
                return Max(n.Left);
                RedBlackTreeNodeBase u = n.Parent;
                while (n == u.Left)
                    n = u;
                    u = u.Parent;
                return u;
        public static RedBlackTreeNodeBase Next(RedBlackTreeNodeBase n)
            if (n.Right != null)
                return Min(n.Right);
                RedBlackTreeNodeBase u = n.Parent;
                while (n == u.Right)
                    n = u;
                    u = u.Parent;
                if (n.Right != u)
                    return u;
                return n;
        public static void RebalanceAfterInsert(RedBlackTreeNodeBase n, ref RedBlackTreeNodeBase root)
            n.NodeColor = Color.red;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase r = root;
            while (n != r && n.Parent.NodeColor == Color.red)
                if (n.Parent == n.Parent.Parent.Left)
                    RedBlackTreeNodeBase u = n.Parent.Parent.Right;
                    if (u != null && u.NodeColor == Color.red)
                        n.Parent.NodeColor = Color.black;
                        u.NodeColor = Color.black;
                        n.Parent.Parent.NodeColor = Color.red;
                        n = n.Parent.Parent;
                        if (n == n.Parent.Right)
                            n = n.Parent;
                            RotateLeft(n, ref root);
                            r = root;
                        n.Parent.NodeColor = Color.black;
                        n.Parent.Parent.NodeColor = Color.red;
                        RotateRight(n.Parent.Parent, ref root);
                        r = root;
                    RedBlackTreeNodeBase u = n.Parent.Parent.Left;
                    if (u != null && u.NodeColor == Color.red)
                        n.Parent.NodeColor = Color.black;
                        u.NodeColor = Color.black;
                        n.Parent.Parent.NodeColor = Color.red;
                        n = n.Parent.Parent;
                        if (n == n.Parent.Left)
                            n = n.Parent;
                            RotateRight(n, ref root);
                            r = root;
                        n.Parent.NodeColor = Color.black;
                        n.Parent.Parent.NodeColor = Color.red;
                        RotateLeft(n.Parent.Parent, ref root);
                        r = root;
            r = root;
            r.NodeColor = Color.black;
        public static RedBlackTreeNodeBase RebalanceForRemove(RedBlackTreeNodeBase z, ref RedBlackTreeNodeBase root, ref RedBlackTreeNodeBase leftmost, ref RedBlackTreeNodeBase rightmost) 
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase y = z;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase x = null;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase p = null;
            if (y.Left == null)
                x = y.Right;
                if (y.Right == null)
                    x = y.Left;
                    y = y.Right;
                    while (y.Left != null)
                        y = y.Left;
                    x = y.Right;
            if (y != z)
                z.Left.Parent = y;
                y.Left = z.Left;
                if (y != z.Right)
                    p = y.Parent;
                    if (x != null)
                        x.Parent = y.Parent;
                    y.Parent.Left = x;
                    y.Right = z.Right;
                    z.Right.Parent = y;
                    p = y;
                RedBlackTreeNodeBase r = root;
                if (r == z)
                    root = y;
                    r = root;
                else if (z.Parent.Left == z)
                    z.Parent.Left = y;
                    z.Parent.Right = y;
                y.Parent = z.Parent;
                Color c = y.NodeColor;
                y.NodeColor = z.NodeColor;
                z.NodeColor = c;
                y = z;
                p = y.Parent;
                if (x != null)
                    x.Parent = y.Parent;
                RedBlackTreeNodeBase r = root;
                if (r == z)
                    root = x;
                    r = root;
                    if (z.Parent.Left == z)
                        z.Parent.Left = x;
                        z.Parent.Right = x;
                RedBlackTreeNodeBase lm = leftmost;
                if (lm == z)
                    if (z.Right == null)
                        leftmost = z.Parent;
                        lm = leftmost;
                        leftmost = Min(x);
                        lm = leftmost;
                RedBlackTreeNodeBase rm = rightmost;
                if (rm == z)
                    if (z.Left == null)
                        rightmost = z.Parent;
                        rm = rightmost;
                        rightmost = Max(x);
                        rm = rightmost;
            if (y.NodeColor != Color.red)
                RedBlackTreeNodeBase r = root;
                while (x != r && (x == null || x.NodeColor == Color.black))
                    if (x == p.Left)
                        RedBlackTreeNodeBase w = p.Right;
                        if (w.NodeColor == Color.red)
                            w.NodeColor = Color.black;
                            p.NodeColor = Color.red;
                            RotateLeft(p, ref root);
                            r = root;
                            w = p.Right;
                        if ((w.Left == null || w.Left.NodeColor == Color.black) && 
                            (w.Right == null || w.Right.NodeColor == Color.black))
                            w.NodeColor = Color.red;
                            x = p;
                            p = p.Parent;
                            if (w.Right == null || w.Right.NodeColor == Color.black)
                                if (w.Left != null)
                                    w.Left.NodeColor = Color.black;
                                w.NodeColor = Color.red;
                                RotateRight(w, ref root);
                                r = root;
                                w = p.Right;
                            w.NodeColor = p.NodeColor;
                            p.NodeColor = Color.black;
                            if (w.Right != null)
                                w.Right.NodeColor = Color.black;
                            RotateLeft(p, ref root);
                            r = root;
                        RedBlackTreeNodeBase w = p.Left;
                        if (w.NodeColor == Color.red)
                            w.NodeColor = Color.black;
                            p.NodeColor = Color.red;
                            RotateRight(p, ref root);
                            r = root;
                            w = p.Left;
                        if ((w.Right == null || w.Right.NodeColor == Color.black) && 
                            (w.Left == null || w.Left.NodeColor == Color.black))
                            w.NodeColor = Color.red;
                            x = p;
                            p = p.Parent;
                            if (w.Left == null || w.Left.NodeColor == Color.black)
                                if (w.Right != null)
                                    w.Right.NodeColor = Color.black;
                                w.NodeColor = Color.red;
                                RotateLeft(w, ref root);
                                r = root;
                                w = p.Left;
                            w.NodeColor = p.NodeColor;
                            p.NodeColor = Color.black;
                            if (w.Left != null)
                                w.Left.NodeColor = Color.black;
                            RotateRight(p, ref root);
                            r = root;
            if (x != null)
                x.NodeColor = Color.black;
            return y;
        private static void RotateLeft(RedBlackTreeNodeBase n, ref RedBlackTreeNodeBase root)
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase u = n.Right;
            n.Right = u.Left;
            if (u.Left != null)
                u.Left.Parent = n;
            u.Parent = n.Parent;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase r = root;
            if (n == r)
                r = u;
                root = r;
            else if (n == n.Parent.Left)
                n.Parent.Left = u;
                n.Parent.Right = u;
            u.Left = n;
            n.Parent = u;
        private static void RotateRight(RedBlackTreeNodeBase n, ref RedBlackTreeNodeBase root)
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase u = n.Left;
            n.Left = u.Right;
            if (u.Right != null)
                u.Right.Parent = n;
            u.Parent = n.Parent;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase r = root;
            if (n == r)
                r = u;
                root = r;
            else if (n == n.Parent.Right)
                n.Parent.Right = u;
                n.Parent.Left = u;
            u.Right = n;
            n.Parent = u;
        private Color color;
        private RedBlackTreeNodeBase parent;
        private RedBlackTreeNodeBase left;
        private RedBlackTreeNodeBase right;

    public class RedBlackTreeNode<T> : RedBlackTreeNodeBase
        public RedBlackTreeNode() : base(null)
            this.val = default(T);
        public RedBlackTreeNode(T val, RedBlackTreeNodeBase parent) : base(parent)
            this.val = val;
        public T Value
            get { return val; }
            set { val = value; }
        private T val;

    public class RedBlackTree<KeyType, ValueType, KeyOfValue> : Enumerable
        public RedBlackTree()
            this.count = 0;
            this.header = new RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>();
            this.header.NodeColor = RedBlackTreeNodeBase.Color.red;
            this.header.Left = header;
            this.header.Right = header;
            this.keyOf = new KeyOfValue();
        public void Clear()
            header.Left = header;
            header.Right = header;
            count = 0;
        public Enumerator GetEnumerator()
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> leftmost = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(header.Left);
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> end = header;
            return new RedBlackTreeEnumerator<ValueType>(leftmost, end);
        public bool Add(ValueType value)
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> x = Root;
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> p = header;
            bool less = true;
            while (x != null)
                p = x;
                less = KeyOf(value) < KeyOf(x.Value);
                if (less)
                    x = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(x.Left);
                    x = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(x.Right);
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> j = p;
            if (less)
                if (j == header.Left)
                    Add(x, p, value);
                    return true;
                    j = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(RedBlackTreeNodeBase.Prev(j));
            if (KeyOf(j.Value) < KeyOf(value))
                Add(x, p, value);
                return true;
            return false;
        public bool Remove(KeyType key)
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> n = Root;
            while (n != null)
                if (key < KeyOf(n.Value))
                    n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Left);
                else if (KeyOf(n.Value) < key)
                    n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Right);
            if (n != null)
                if (count == 1)
                return true;
            return false;
        public bool Contains(KeyType key)
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> n = Root;
            while (n != null)
                if (key < KeyOf(n.Value))
                    n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Left);
                else if (KeyOf(n.Value) < key)
                    n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Right);
                    return true;
            return false;
        public ValueType this[KeyType key]
                RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> n = Root;
                while (n != null)
                    if (key < KeyOf(n.Value))
                        n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Left);
                    else if (KeyOf(n.Value) < key)
                        n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Right);
                        return n.Value;
                return default(ValueType);
        public void AddOrReplace(ValueType value)
            KeyType key = KeyOf(value);
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> n = Root;
            while (n != null)
                if (key < KeyOf(n.Value))
                    n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Left);
                else if (KeyOf(n.Value) < key)
                    n = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(n.Right);
                    n.Value = value;
        public int Count
            get { return count; }
        private void Add(RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> x, RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> p, ValueType value)
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> n = new RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>(value, p);
            if (p == header || x != null || KeyOf(value) < KeyOf(p.Value))
                p.Left = n;
                if (p == header)
                    header.Parent = n;
                    header.Right = n;
                else if (p == header.Left)
                    header.Left = n;
                p.Right = n;
                if (p == header.Right)
                    header.Right = n;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase root = Root;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase.RebalanceAfterInsert(n, ref root);
            header.Parent = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(root);
        private void Remove(RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> node)
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase root = Root;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase lm = header.Left;
            RedBlackTreeNodeBase rm = header.Right;
            RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> toRemove = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(RedBlackTreeNodeBase.RebalanceForRemove(node, ref root, ref lm, ref rm));
            header.Parent = root;
            header.Left = lm;
            header.Right = rm;
            toRemove.Left = null;
            toRemove.Right = null;
            toRemove.Parent = null;
        private RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> Root
            get { return cast<RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType>>(header.Parent); }
        private KeyType KeyOf(ValueType value)
            return keyOf(value);
        private int count;
        private RedBlackTreeNode<ValueType> header;
        private KeyOfValue keyOf;

    public class RedBlackTreeEnumerator<T> : Enumerator
        public RedBlackTreeEnumerator(RedBlackTreeNode<T> cur, RedBlackTreeNode<T> end)
            this.cur = cur;
            this.end = end;
        public bool AtEnd()
            return cur == end;
        public object GetCurrent()
            return cur.Value;
        public void MoveNext()
            cur = cast<RedBlackTreeNode<T>>(RedBlackTreeNodeBase.Next(cur));
        private RedBlackTreeNode<T> cur;
        private RedBlackTreeNode<T> end;