1.2.5 Adding a Lexer
The lexer contains rules for matching input with regular expressions and returning corresponging tokens to the parser.
The lexer file syntax is described in this
To add a lexer to minilang:
- Right-click your project in the Solution Explorer and select 'Add | New Item...'.
Select Visual C++ | Utility | Text File (.txt) item and name the file minilang_lexer.lexer
Add the following code to the lexer file:
export module minilang.lexer;
import minilang.token;
import minilang.keyword;
import minilang.expr;
lexer MinilangLexer
"{separators}" {}
"{identifier}" { int64_t kw = lexer.GetKeywordToken(lexer.CurrentToken().match); if (kw == INVALID_TOKEN) return ID; else return kw; }
"{integer}" { return INTEGER_LITERAL; }
";" { return SEMICOLON; }
"\(" { return LPAREN; }
"\)" { return RPAREN; }
"\{" { return LBRACE; }
"\}" { return RBRACE; }
"\+" { return PLUS; }
"-" { return MINUS; }
"\*" { return MUL; }
"/" { return DIV; }
"%" { return MOD; }
"!" { return NOT; }
"==" { return EQ; }
"!=" { return NEQ; }
"<=" { return LEQ; }
">=" { return GEQ; }
"<" { return LESS; }
">" { return GREATER; }
"=" { return ASSIGN; }
"," { return COMMA; }