AST Example

For this skeleton lexer:

        // ExampleLexer.lexer:

        tokens ExampleTokens
            (ID, "identifier"), (WHILE, "'while'"), (LPAREN, "'('"), (RPAREN, "')'"), (SEMICOLON, "';'")

        keywords ExampleKeywords
            ("while", WHILE)

            ws = "[\n\r\t ]";
            newline = "\r\n|\n|\r";
            linecomment = "//[^\n\r]*{newline}";
            blockcomment = "/\*([^*]|\*[^/])*\*/";
            comment = "{linecomment}|{blockcomment}";
            separators = "({ws}|{comment})+";
            id = "{idstart}{idcont}*";

        lexer ExampleLexer
            "{separators}" {}
            "{id}" { int kw = GetKeywordToken(token.match); if (kw == INVALID_TOKEN) return ID; else return kw; }
            "\(" { return LPAREN; }
            "\)" { return RPAREN; }
            ";" { return SEMICOLON; }

...and this skeleton AST:

        // ExampleAST.hpp:

        #ifndef EXAMPLEAST_HPP
        #define EXAMPLEAST_HPP
        #include <string>

        class Node
            // ...

        class WhileStatementNode : public Node
            WhileStatementNode(Node* cond_, Node* stmt_);
            // ...

        class EmptyStatementNode : public Node
            // ...

        class IdentifierNode : public Node
            IdentifierNode(const std::u32string& str_);

        class SymbolTable
            // ...

        #endif // EXAMPLEAST_HPP

... and this skeleton parser:

        [hpp]#include <ExampleAST.hpp>
        [cpp]#include <ExampleLexer.hpp>
        [cpp]#include <ExampleTokens.hpp>
        #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

        using namespace ExampleTokens;
        using namespace boost::filesystem;

        parser ExampleParser
            uselexer ExampleLexer;

            Statement(SymbolTable* symbolTable) : Node*
                ::= WhileStatement(symbolTable):whileStatement{ return whileStatement; }
                |   EmptyStatement:emptyStatement{ return emptyStatement; }

            WhileStatement(SymbolTable* symbolTable) : Node*
                ::= WHILE LPAREN Expression:cond RPAREN Statement(symbolTable):stmt{ return new WhileStatementNode(cond, stmt); }

            EmptyStatement : Node*
                ::= SEMICOLON{ return new EmptyStatementNode(); }

            Expression : Node*
                ::= ID{ soulng::lexer::Token token = lexer.GetToken(pos); return new IdentifierNode(token.match.ToString()); }
                // ....

The spg tool generates the following header file:

        // ExampleParser.hpp:

        #ifndef EXAMPLEPARSER_HPP
        #define EXAMPLEPARSER_HPP
        #include <ExampleAST.hpp>
        #include <soulng/lexer/Token.hpp>
        #include <soulng/parser/Match.hpp>
        #include <soulng/parser/Value.hpp>

        // this file has been automatically generated from 'D:/work/soulng-project/doc/topics/syntax/ast/ExampleParser.parser' using soulng parser generator spg version 1.0.0

        class ExampleLexer;

        struct ExampleParser
            static soulng::parser::Match Statement(ExampleLexer& lexer, SymbolTable* symbolTable);
            static soulng::parser::Match WhileStatement(ExampleLexer& lexer, SymbolTable* symbolTable);
            static soulng::parser::Match EmptyStatement(ExampleLexer& lexer);
            static soulng::parser::Match Expression(ExampleLexer& lexer);

        #endif // EXAMPLEPARSER_HPP

And the following source file:

        // ExampleParser.cpp:

        #include "ExampleParser.hpp"
        #include <soulng/util/Unicode.hpp>
        #include <ExampleLexer.hpp>
        #include <ExampleTokens.hpp>
        #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

        // this file has been automatically generated from 'D:/work/soulng-project/doc/topics/syntax/ast/ExampleParser.parser' using soulng parser generator spg version 1.0.0

        using namespace soulng::unicode;
        using namespace ExampleTokens;
        using namespace boost::filesystem;

        soulng::parser::Match ExampleParser::Statement(ExampleLexer& lexer, SymbolTable* symbolTable)
            std::unique_ptr<Node> whileStatement;
            std::unique_ptr<Node> emptyStatement;
            soulng::parser::Match match(false);
            soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch0 = &match;
                int save = lexer.GetPos();
                soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch1 = &match;
                    int pos = lexer.GetPos();
                    soulng::parser::Match match = ExampleParser::WhileStatement(lexer, symbolTable);
                    if (match.hit)
                        return soulng::parser::Match(true, whileStatement.release());
                    *parentMatch1 = match;
                *parentMatch0 = match;
                if (!match.hit)
                    soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                    soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch2 = &match;
                        soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                        soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch3 = &match;
                            int pos = lexer.GetPos();
                            soulng::parser::Match match = ExampleParser::EmptyStatement(lexer);
                            if (match.hit)
                                return soulng::parser::Match(true, emptyStatement.release());
                            *parentMatch3 = match;
                        *parentMatch2 = match;
                    *parentMatch0 = match;
            return match;

        soulng::parser::Match ExampleParser::WhileStatement(ExampleLexer& lexer, SymbolTable* symbolTable)
            std::unique_ptr<Node> cond;
            std::unique_ptr<Node> stmt;
            soulng::parser::Match match(false);
            soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch0 = &match;
                soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch1 = &match;
                    soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                    soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch2 = &match;
                        soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                        soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch3 = &match;
                            soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                            if (*lexer == WHILE)
                                match.hit = true;
                            *parentMatch3 = match;
                        if (match.hit)
                            soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                            soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch4 = &match;
                                soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                                if (*lexer == LPAREN)
                                    match.hit = true;
                                *parentMatch4 = match;
                            *parentMatch3 = match;
                        *parentMatch2 = match;
                    if (match.hit)
                        soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                        soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch5 = &match;
                            soulng::parser::Match match = ExampleParser::Expression(lexer);
                            *parentMatch5 = match;
                        *parentMatch2 = match;
                    *parentMatch1 = match;
                if (match.hit)
                    soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                    soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch6 = &match;
                        soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                        if (*lexer == RPAREN)
                            match.hit = true;
                        *parentMatch6 = match;
                    *parentMatch1 = match;
                *parentMatch0 = match;
            if (match.hit)
                soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch7 = &match;
                    soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                    soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch8 = &match;
                        int pos = lexer.GetPos();
                        soulng::parser::Match match = ExampleParser::Statement(lexer, symbolTable);
                        if (match.hit)
                            return soulng::parser::Match(true, new WhileStatementNode(cond.release(), stmt.release()));
                        *parentMatch8 = match;
                    *parentMatch7 = match;
                *parentMatch0 = match;
            return match;

        soulng::parser::Match ExampleParser::EmptyStatement(ExampleLexer& lexer)
            soulng::parser::Match match(false);
            soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch0 = &match;
                int pos = lexer.GetPos();
                soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                if (*lexer == SEMICOLON)
                    match.hit = true;
                if (match.hit)
                    return soulng::parser::Match(true, new EmptyStatementNode);
                *parentMatch0 = match;
            return match;

        soulng::parser::Match ExampleParser::Expression(ExampleLexer& lexer)
            soulng::parser::Match match(false);
            soulng::parser::Match* parentMatch0 = &match;
                int pos = lexer.GetPos();
                soulng::parser::Match match(false);
                if (*lexer == ID)
                    match.hit = true;
                if (match.hit)
                    soulng::lexer::Token token = lexer.GetToken(pos);
                    return soulng::parser::Match(true, new IdentifierNode(token.match.ToString()));
                *parentMatch0 = match;
            return match;