The System.Base module contains basic facilities, containers, algorithms, and I/O.
public cdecl nothrow int |
add_dir_change_notification(const char* directories) |
public cdecl nothrow long |
allocate_memory_pages(int numPages) |
public cdecl nothrow void |
at_exit(ExitEntry* entry, void* fun, void* arg) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
bind_terminal(int md) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
chdir(const char* path) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
child_times(long* childUserTime, long* childSleepTime, long* childSystemTime) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
chmod(const char* path, int mode) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
chown(const char* path, int uid, int gid) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
clear_directories_changed() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
close(int fd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
close_decompression(int dd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
close_msgq(int md) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
close_resource(int rd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
closedir(int dd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
connect(const char* node, const char* service) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
create(const char* path, int mode) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
current_date(short* y, sbyte* m, sbyte* d) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
current_date_time(short* y, sbyte* m, sbyte* d, int* secs) |
public cdecl nothrow long |
current_time_point() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
decompress(byte* buffer, long count) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
directories_changed() |
public cdecl nothrow void* |
do_catch() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
do_throw(void* exception, ulong exceptionClassId) |
public cdecl nothrow void |
dump_heap(ulong free, int tag, ulong ptr, ulong size) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
dup(int fd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
exec(const char* file, const char** argv, const char** envp) |
public cdecl nothrow void |
exit(byte exitCode) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
fork() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_debug_mode() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_decompressed_data(int dd, byte* buffer, long count) |
public cdecl nothrow long |
get_decompressed_data_size(int dd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_host_name(char* buffer, long bufSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_msg(int md, byte* buffer) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_msg_size(int md) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_msgq_length(int md) |
public cdecl nothrow long |
get_resource_size(int rd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_system_error(int* errorCode, void* buffer, long bufferSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
get_user_name(char* buffer, long bufSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
getcwd(char* pathBuf, long bufSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
getegid() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
geteuid() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
getgid() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
getpid() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
getuid() |
public cdecl nothrow long |
heap_length() |
public cdecl nothrow long |
heap_start() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
ioctl(int fd, IOControlItem item, byte* arg, long argSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
kill(int pid) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
mcpy(byte* sourceBuffer, byte* destBuffer, long count) |
public cdecl nothrow long |
memory_page_size() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
mkdir(const char* path, int mode) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
msgq(const char* name) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
open(const char* path, OpenFlags flags, int mode) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
open_resource(const char* resource_name) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
opendir(const char* path) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
pipe(int* readerFd, int* writerFd) |
public cdecl nothrow double |
pow(double x, double y) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
put_msg(int md, byte* msgData, int msgSize) |
public cdecl nothrow uint |
random_seed() |
public cdecl nothrow long |
read(int fd, void* buffer, long count) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
read_resource(int rd, long offset, long length, byte* buffer) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
readdir(int dd, byte* dirEntryBuf, long dirEntryBufSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
remove_dir_change_notifications() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
rename(const char* sourcePath, const char* targetPath) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
resume() |
public cdecl nothrow void |
run_at_exits() |
public cdecl nothrow long |
seek(int fd, long offset, Origin whence) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
set_debug_mode(int mode) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
setegid(int egid) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
seteuid(int euid) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
setgid(int gid) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
setuid(int uid) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
sleep(long duration) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
stack_trace(void* buffer, long bufferSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
stat(const char* path, byte* statBuf, int statBufSize) |
public cdecl nothrow long |
tell(int fd) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
timer_msg(long duration, int md, byte* msgData, int msgSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
times(long* userTime, long* sleepTime, long* systemTime) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
umask(int mask) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
unbind_terminal() |
public cdecl nothrow int |
unlink(const char* path) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
utime(const char* path, byte* timeBuf, long timeBufSize) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
wait(byte* exitCode) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
wait_msg(int md) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
waitpid(int pid, byte* exitCode) |
public cdecl nothrow long |
write(int fd, void* buffer, long count) |
public cdecl nothrow int |
write_debug_message(const char* msg) |
public const byte |
trap_add_dir_change_notification = 64u |
public const byte |
trap_allocate_memory_pages = 4u |
public const byte |
trap_bind_terminal = 76u |
public const byte |
trap_catch = 14u |
public const byte |
trap_chdir = 33u |
public const byte |
trap_child_times = 68u |
public const byte |
trap_chmod = 61u |
public const byte |
trap_chown = 62u |
public const byte |
trap_clear_directories_changed = 67u |
public const byte |
trap_close = 24u |
public const byte |
trap_close_decompression = 47u |
public const byte |
trap_close_msgq = 70u |
public const byte |
trap_close_resource = 41u |
public const byte |
trap_closedir = 36u |
public const byte |
trap_connect = 79u |
public const byte |
trap_create = 22u |
public const byte |
trap_current_date = 9u |
public const byte |
trap_current_date_time = 10u |
public const byte |
trap_current_time_point = 7u |
public const byte |
trap_decompress = 44u |
public const byte |
trap_directories_changed = 66u |
public const byte |
trap_dump_heap = 5u |
public const byte |
trap_dup = 51u |
public const byte |
trap_exec = 19u |
public const byte |
trap_exit = 0u |
public const byte |
trap_fork = 18u |
public const byte |
trap_get_debug_mode = 80u |
public const byte |
trap_get_decompressed_data = 46u |
public const byte |
trap_get_decompressed_data_size = 45u |
public const byte |
trap_get_host_name = 48u |
public const byte |
trap_get_msg = 75u |
public const byte |
trap_get_msg_size = 74u |
public const byte |
trap_get_msgq_length = 73u |
public const byte |
trap_get_resource_size = 42u |
public const byte |
trap_get_system_error = 17u |
public const byte |
trap_get_user_name = 49u |
public const byte |
trap_getcwd = 32u |
public const byte |
trap_getegid = 59u |
public const byte |
trap_geteuid = 58u |
public const byte |
trap_getgid = 55u |
public const byte |
trap_getpid = 21u |
public const byte |
trap_getuid = 54u |
public const byte |
trap_heap_length = 3u |
public const byte |
trap_heap_start = 2u |
public const byte |
trap_ioctl = 27u |
public const byte |
trap_kill = 83u |
public const byte |
trap_mcpy = 39u |
public const byte |
trap_memory_page_size = 1u |
public const byte |
trap_mkdir = 34u |
public const byte |
trap_msgq = 69u |
public const byte |
trap_open = 23u |
public const byte |
trap_open_resource = 40u |
public const byte |
trap_opendir = 35u |
public const byte |
trap_pipe = 50u |
public const byte |
trap_pow = 12u |
public const byte |
trap_put_msg = 72u |
public const byte |
trap_random_seed = 6u |
public const byte |
trap_read = 25u |
public const byte |
trap_read_resource = 43u |
public const byte |
trap_readdir = 37u |
public const byte |
trap_remove_dir_change_notifications = 65u |
public const byte |
trap_rename = 63u |
public const byte |
trap_resume = 15u |
public const byte |
trap_seek = 29u |
public const byte |
trap_set_debug_mode = 81u |
public const byte |
trap_setegid = 57u |
public const byte |
trap_seteuid = 56u |
public const byte |
trap_setgid = 53u |
public const byte |
trap_setuid = 52u |
public const byte |
trap_sleep = 8u |
public const byte |
trap_stack_trace = 16u |
public const byte |
trap_stat = 31u |
public const byte |
trap_tell = 30u |
public const byte |
trap_throw = 13u |
public const byte |
trap_timer_msg = 78u |
public const byte |
trap_times = 11u |
public const byte |
trap_umask = 60u |
public const byte |
trap_unbind_terminal = 77u |
public const byte |
trap_unlink = 28u |
public const byte |
trap_utime = 38u |
public const byte |
trap_wait = 20u |
public const byte |
trap_wait_msg = 71u |
public const byte |
trap_waitpid = 84u |
public const byte |
trap_write = 26u |
public const byte |
trap_write_debug_message = 82u |