The System.Runtime module contains symbols for functions that form the lowest level of the Cmajor runtime library. The functions themselves are defined in the rt library written in C++.
public extern cdecl nothrow ulong |
OsAllocateMemoryPage(ulong pageSize) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsAssociateFileWithCompletionPort(void* fileHandle, void* completionPort, ulong completionKey) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsCloseEvent(void* eventHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsCloseHostFile(void* fileHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsCloseIoCompletionPort(void* completionPortHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsConvertThreadToFiber(void* param) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsCopyMemoryPage(ulong fromAddress, ulong toAddress, ulong pageSize) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsCreateConsoleOutputHandle() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsCreateEvent() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsCreateFiber(ulong stackSize, void* startAddress, void* param) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsCreateHostFile(const char* filePath, bool randomAccess) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsCreateIoCompletionPort() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsCreateOverlapped(ulong offset) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsDeleteFiber(void* fiber) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsDestroyOverlapped(void* overlapped) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsFindClose(void* findHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsFindFirstFile(const char* pathMask, char* fileName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsFindNextFile(void* findHandle, char* fileName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsFormatMessage(ulong errorCode, char* buffer) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsFreeMemoryPage(ulong pageAddress) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsGetComputerName(char* buffer, int size) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsGetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(void* consoleOutputHandle, int* cursorPosX, int* cursorPosY, int* screenSizeX, int* screenSizeY, ushort* attrs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
OsGetDriveType(const char* rootPathName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsGetFiberData() |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
OsGetFileAttributes(const char* filePath) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
OsGetFileSize(void* fileHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsGetFileTimes(const char* filePath, byte* ctime, byte* mtime, byte* atime) |
public extern cdecl nothrow ulong |
OsGetLastError() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsGetLogicalDrives(char* buffer, int bufSize) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
OsGetMaxComputerNameLength() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsGetQueuedCompletionStatus(void* completionPortHandle, ulong* numberOfBytes, ulong* completionKey, void** overlapped) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsGetStdHandle(int stdInOutOrErr) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
OsOpenHostFile(const char* filePath, bool randomAccess) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsPostQueuedCompletionStatus(void* completionPortHandle, ulong numberOfBytes, ulong completionKey) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsReadConsoleInput(void* consoleInputHandle, uchar* c) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsReadFile(void* fileHandle, void* buffer, uint numberOfBytesToRead, void* overlapped) |
public extern cdecl nothrow byte |
OsReadMemoryByte(ulong address) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsRegisterConsoleCallback(void* consoleInputHandle, ulong callBackValue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsResetEvent(void* eventHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsSetConsoleCursorPosition(void* consoleOutputHandle, int cursorPosX, int cursorPosY) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsSetConsoleTextAttribute(ushort attrs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsSetEvent(void* eventHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsSwitchToFiber(void* fiber) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsWaitEvent(void* eventHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
OsWaitForMultipleObjects(uint count, void** handles) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsWriteConsole(void* consoleOutputHandle, const uchar* chars) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
OsWriteFile(void* fileHandle, void* buffer, uint numberOfBytesToWrite, void* overlapped) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
OsWriteMemoryByte(ulong address, byte b) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
Pow(double x, double y) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAcceptSocket(void* socketHandle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAddBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAddBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAddBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtAddCh(int ch) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtAddCompileUnitFunction(void* functionAddress, const char* functionName, const char* sourceFilePath) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtAddRedirection(int execHandle, int handle, const char* file) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtAddStr(const char* str) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAllocateConditionVariable() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAllocateMutex() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAllocateRecursiveMutex() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtAndBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtArcCos(double x) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtArcSin(double x) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtArgc() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char** |
RtArgv() |
public extern cdecl nothrow char |
RtAsciiToLower(char c) |
public extern cdecl nothrow char |
RtAsciiToUpper(char c) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtAtan2(double y, double x) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtAttrOff(int attrs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtAttrOn(int attrs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtAttrSet(int attrs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtBeginExec(const char* command) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtBeginGetPathToExecutable() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtBeginIterateDirectory(const char* directoryPath) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtBeginStaticInitCriticalSection(void* staticClassId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtBeginTraceFunction(int traceFunctionId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtBeginTracing() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtBeginUnwindInfoInit() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtBigFloatToBigInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtBigFloatToBigRational(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtBigFloatToCharPtr(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtBigFloatToDouble(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtBigIntToCharPtr(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtBigIntToInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
RtBigIntToLong(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
RtBigIntToUInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow ulong |
RtBigIntToULong(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtBigRationalToBigInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtBigRationalToCharPtr(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtBindSocket(void* socketHandle, int port, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtBlack() |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtBlue() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtCBreak() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtCaptureException(void*& exception, ulong& exceptionClassIdHi, ulong& exceptionClassIdLo) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtClear() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtClearToEol() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtClose(void* fileHandle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtCloseSocket(void* socketHandle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtColorPair(short n) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtCompressBZip2(void* outChunk, uint outChunkSize, uint* have, uint* outAvail, void* handle, int action) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtConnectSocket(const char* node, const char* service, int options, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtConvertThreadToFiber(void* param) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtCopyFile(const char* sourcFilePath, const char* targetFilePath, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtCos(double x) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCplBigInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromBigInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromBigRational(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromCopy(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromDouble(double v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromInt(int v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromLong(long v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromStr(const char* v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromUInt(uint v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigFloatFromULong(ulong v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigIntFromCopy(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigIntFromInt(int v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigIntFromLong(long v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigIntFromStr(const char* v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigIntFromUInt(uint v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigIntFromULong(ulong v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromBigInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromBigInts(void* numerator, void* denominator, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromCopy(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromInt(int v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromLong(long v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromStr(const char* v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromUInt(uint v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateBigRationalFromULong(ulong v, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateDefaultBigFloat(int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateDefaultBigInt(int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateDefaultBigRational(int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtCreateDirectories(const char* directoryPath) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateFiber(ulong stackSize, void* startAddress, void* param) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateProcess(const char* command, int redirections, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtCreateSocket(int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtCursSet(int visibility) |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtCyan() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtDecompressBZip2(void* outChunk, uint outChunkSize, uint* have, uint* outAvail, uint* inAvail, void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtDeflateZlib(void* outChunk, uint outChunkSize, uint* have, uint* outAvail, void* handle, int flush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDeleteCharPtr(const char* ptr) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDeleteFiber(void* fiber) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDeleteProcess(void* process) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtDenominatorBigRational(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDestroyBigFloat(void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDestroyBigInt(void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDestroyBigRational(void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDestroySocket(void* socketHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtDirectoryExists(const char* directoryPath) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDispose(void* ptr) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDisposeCallStack() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDisposeError(int errorId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtDisposeFile(void* fileHandle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDisposeStackTrace() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDisposeString(int stringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtDivBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtDivBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtDivBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDone() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDoneBZip2(int mode, void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDoneScreen() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtDoneZlib(int mode, void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow ulong |
RtDynamicInitVmt(void* vmt) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEcho() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtEndExec(int execHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndGetPathToExecutable(int pathHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndIterateDirectory(int directoryIterationHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndProfiling() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndStaticInitCriticalSection(void* staticClassId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndTraceFunction(int traceFunctionId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndTracing() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndUnitTest(const char* testName, int exitCode) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEndUnwindInfoInit() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtEnqueueDestruction(void* destructor, void* arg) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtEof(void* fileHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtEpsilon() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtEqualBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtEqualBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtEqualBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtErase() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtExecute(const char* command) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtExit(int exitCode) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtFailAssertion(const char* assertion, const char* function, const char* sourceFilePath, int lineNumber) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtFileExists(const char* filePath) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtFlush(void* fileHandle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtFreeConditionVariable(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtFreeCurrentWorkingDirectoryHandle(int currentWorkingDirectoryHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtFreeMutex(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtFreeRecursiveMutex(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetCallStack() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtGetCh() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtGetCurrentDate(short* year, sbyte* month, sbyte* day) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtGetCurrentDateTime(short* year, sbyte* month, sbyte* day, int* secs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
RtGetCurrentTime() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetCurrentWorkingDirectory(int currentWorkingDirectoryHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtGetCurrentWorkingDirectoryHandle() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetEnvironmentVariable(const char* environmentVariableName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetError(int errorId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtGetException() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtGetFiberData() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtGetFileError(void* fileHandle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
RtGetFileSize(const char* filePath, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtGetMaxYX(int* rows, int* cols) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtGetNStr(char* str, int size) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetNextDirectoryPath(int directoryIterationHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetNextFilePath(int directoryIterationHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetOsInfo() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetPathToExecutable(int pathHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
RtGetRandomSeed() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtGetRawCh() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetStackTrace() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtGetString(int stringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtGetYX(int* row, int* col) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtGreaterBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtGreaterBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtGreaterBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtGreaterEqualBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtGreaterEqualBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtGreaterEqualBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtGreen() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtHandleException(void* exceptionTypeId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtInflateZlib(void* outChunk, uint outChunkSize, uint* have, uint* outAvail, uint* inAvail, void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtInit(long numberOfPolymorphicClassIds, const ulong* polymorphicClassIdArray, long numberOfStaticClassIds, const ulong* staticClassIdArray, GlobalInitFunctionType globalInitFunction) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtInitBZip2(int mode, int compressionLevel, int compressionWorkFactor, void** handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtInitPair(short n, short foregroundColor, short backgroundColor) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtInitRand(uint seed) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtInitScreen() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtInitZlib(int mode, int level, void** handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtIsConsoleHandle(int handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtIsUserAssertionFailureFunctionSet() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtKeyPad() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtLastWriteTimeLess(const char* filePath1, const char* filePath2) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtLessBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtLessBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtLessBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtLessEqualBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtLessEqualBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtLessEqualBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtListenSocket(void* socketHandle, int backLog, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtLockMutex(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtLockRecursiveMutex(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtMagenta() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtMemAlloc(long size) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtMemAllocInfo(long size, const char* info) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtMemFree(void* ptr) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtMemZero(void* ptr, long size) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtModBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtMove(int row, int col) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtMoveFile(const char* sourcFilePath, const char* targetFilePath, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtMulBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtMulBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtMulBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtNegBigFloat(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtNegBigInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtNegBigRational(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtNoCBreak() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtNoEcho() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtNoRaw() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtNotEqualBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtNotEqualBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtNotEqualBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtNotifyAll(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtNotifyOne(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
RtNow() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtNumeratorBigRational(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtOpen(const char* filePath, byte openMode, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtOpenStdFile(int handle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtOrBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtPi() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtPopUnwindInfo(void* prevUnwindInfo) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtPosBigFloat(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtPosBigInt(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtPosBigRational(void* handle, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtPow(double x, int exponent) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtProcessEof(void* process, int handle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtProcessExitCode(void* process, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtProcessReadLine(void* process, int handle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtProcessReadToEnd(void* process, int handle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtProcessRunning(void* process, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtProcessTerminate(void* process, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtProcessWaitForExit(void* process, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtProcessWriteLine(void* process, const char* line, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtProfileEndFunction(void* functionId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtProfileStartFunction(void* functionId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtPushUnwindInfo(void* unwindInfo) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
RtRandom() |
public extern cdecl nothrow ulong |
RtRandom64() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtRaw() |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
RtRead(void* fileHandle, byte* buffer, long bufferSize, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtReadByte(void* fileHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtReceiveSocket(void* socketHandle, byte* buf, int len, int flags, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtRed() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtRefresh() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtRemoveFile(const char* filePath, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtRetvalStrBZip2(int retVal) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const char* |
RtRetvalStrZlib(int retVal) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtRunningOnWsl() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtSeek(void* fileHandle, long pos, byte origin, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtSendSocket(void* socketHandle, byte* buf, int len, int flags, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSetInputBZip2(void* inChunk, uint inAvail, void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSetInputZlib(void* inChunck, uint inAvail, void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSetThreadId(char threadId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSetUnitTestAssertionResult(int assertionIndex, bool assertionResult, int lineNumber) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSetUnitTestException(const char* exceptionStr) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSetUserAssertionFailureFunction(AssertionFailureFunction userAssertionFailureFunc) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtShiftLeftBigInt(void* left, int right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtShiftRightBigInt(void* left, int right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtShutdownSocket(void* socketHandle, int mode, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtSin(double x) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSleep(long nanoseconds) |
public extern cdecl nothrow double |
RtSqrt(double x) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtStartColor() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtStartProfiling(long numberOfPolymorphicClassIds, const ulong* polymorphicClassIdArray, long numberOfStaticClassIds, const ulong* staticClassIdArray) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtStartUnitTest(int numAssertions, const char* unitTestFilePath, long numberOfPolymorphicClassIds, const ulong* polymorphicClassIdArray, long numberOfStaticClassIds, const ulong* staticClassIdArray) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtSubBigFloat(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtSubBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtSubBigRational(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtSwitchToFiber(void* fiber) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
RtTell(void* fileHandle, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtThrowCapturedException(void* exception, ulong exceptionClassIdHi, ulong exceptionClassIdLo) |
public extern cdecl void |
RtThrowException(void* exception, void* exceptionTypeId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtTranslateCh(int ch) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtUnlockMutex(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtUnlockRecursiveMutex(void* nativeHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtWaitConditionVariable(void* nativeHandle, void* recursiveMutexHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
RtWaitConditionVariableDuration(void* nativeHandle, void* recursiveMutexHandle, long duration) |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtWhite() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
RtWindowsMessage(int messageId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
RtWrite(void* fileHandle, const byte* buffer, long count, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
RtWriteByte(void* fileHandle, byte x, int& errorStringHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
RtXorBigInt(void* left, void* right, int& errorStrHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow short |
RtYellow() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinAddClipboardFormatListener(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinApplicationMessageLoop() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinBeginPaint(void* windowHandle, void*& paintStruct) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinBeginTest() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinBringWindowToTop(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinClientToScreen(void* windowHandle, void* point) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinCloseClipboard() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinCloseHandle(void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
WinCommDlgExtendedError() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinCreateCaret(void* windowHandle, void* bitmapHandle, int width, int height) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinCreateEvent() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinCreateGraphics(void* hdc) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinCreateGraphicsFromImage(void* image) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinCreateGraphicsFromWindowHandle(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinCreateWindowByClassAtom(ushort windowClass, const char* windowName, long style, long exStyle, int x, int y, int w, int h, void* parentHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinCreateWindowByClassName(const char* windowClass, const char* windowName, long style, long exStyle, int x, int y, int w, int h, void* parentHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinDeleteGraphics(void* nativeGraphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinDeleteObject(void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinDestroyBitmap(void* bitmapHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinDestroyCaret() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinDestroyCursor(void* cursorHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinDestroyIcon(void* iconHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinDestroyWindow(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinDialogWindowMessageLoop(void* windowHandle, void* parentWindowHandle, void* getDialogResultFunc, void* keyPreviewFunc, void* dialogWindowPtr) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinDone() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinEmptyClipboard() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinEnableWindow(void* windowHandle, bool enable) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinEndPaint(void* windowHandle, void* paintStruct) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinEndTest() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinFindCloseChangeNotification(void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinFindFirstChangeNotification(const char* directoryPath) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinFindNextChangeNotification(void* handle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinFormatMessage(ulong errorCode, wchar* buffer) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetCaretPos(int& x, int& y) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
WinGetClassLong(void* windowHandle, int index) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetClientRect(void* windowHandle, void* rect) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGetClipRect(void* paintStruct, int& x, int& y, int& w, int& h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGetClipboardData(uint format) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGetCurrentProcessId() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGetCursor() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetCursorPos(int& x, int& y) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGetDC(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGetFocus() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetFolder(void* windowHandle, const wchar* defaultDirectory, wchar* folderNameBuffer, uint folderNameBufferSize) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGetForegroundWindow() |
public extern cdecl nothrow ulong |
WinGetLastError() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGetLogicalDrives() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGetMessagePos(int& x, int& y) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetOpenFileName(void* windowHandle, const wchar* filter, const wchar* initialDirectory, wchar* fileNameBuffer, uint fileNameBufferSize, uint flags, const wchar* defaultExtension) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetSaveFileName(void* windowHandle, const wchar* filter, const wchar* initialDirectory, wchar* fileNameBuffer, uint fileNameBufferSize, uint flags, const wchar* defaultExtension) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetScrollInfo(void* windowHandle, int nBar, uint& nPage, int& nPos, int& nMin, int& nMax, int& nTrackPos) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGetSysColor(int index, byte& red, byte& green, byte& blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGetSystemMetrics(int index) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGetTopWindow(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
WinGetWindowLong(void* windowHandle, int index) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGetWindowRect(void* windowHandle, void* rect) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGetWindowText(void* windowHandle, const wchar* textBuffer, int maxCount) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGetWindowTextLength(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGlobalAlloc(uint flags, ulong size) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGlobalFree(void* memHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGlobalLock(void* memHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow ulong |
WinGlobalSize(void* memHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinGlobalUnlock(void* memHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsBitmapGetPixel(void* nativeBitmap, int x, int y, byte& alpha, byte& red, byte& green, byte& blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsBitmapSetPixel(void* nativeBitmap, int x, int y, byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsBrushGetLastStatus(void* brush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsClear(void* graphics, byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneBitmap(void* nativeBitmap, int x, int y, int w, int h, int pixelFormat) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneFont(void* font) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneFontFamily(void* fontFamily) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneImage(void* image) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneImageAttributes(void* imageAttributes) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneMatrix(void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsClonePen(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneRegion(void* region) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneSolidBrush(void* solidBrush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCloneStringFormat(void* stringFormat) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateBitmap(const char* fileName, bool useEmbeddedColorManagement) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateBitmapIcon(void* icon) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateBitmapResource(const char* resourceName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateBitmapWidthHeight(int w, int h, void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateBitmapWinBitmap(void* winBitmap, void* palette) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateDefaultImageAttributes() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateDefaultStringFormat() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateEmptyFontFamily() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateFont(const void* fontFamily, float emSize, int style, int unit) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateFontFamily(const char* familyName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateFontFromHFont(void* hdc, void* hfont) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateImage(const char* fileName, bool useEmbeddedColorManagement) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateMatrix() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateMatrixFromElements(float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateMatrixRectFPointF(float rectX, float rectY, float rectW, float rectH, float ptX, float ptY) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateMatrixRectPoint(int rectX, int rectY, int rectW, int rectH, int ptX, int ptY) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreatePen(byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue, float width) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateRegion() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateSolidBrush(byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsCreateStringFormat(int formatFlags, ushort languageId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteFont(void* font) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteFontFamily(void* fontFamily) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteImage(void* image) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteImageAttributes(void* imageAttributes) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteMatrix(void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeletePen(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteRegion(void* region) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteSolidBrush(void* solidBrush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinGraphicsDeleteStringFormat(void* stringFormat) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawArc(void* graphics, void* pen, float x, float y, float w, float h, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawEllipse(void* graphics, void* pen, float x, float y, float w, float h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawImagePoint(void* graphics, void* image, float x, float y) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawImageRect(void* graphics, void* image, float x, float y, float w, float h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawImageWithAttributes(void* graphics, void* image, int destRectX, int destRectY, int destRectW, int destRectH, int srcX, int srcY, int srcW, int srcH, int srcUnit, void* imageAttributes) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawImageWithAttributesF(void* graphics, void* image, float destRectX, float destRectY, float destRectW, float destRectH, float srcX, float srcY, float srcW, float srcH, int srcUnit, void* imageAttributes) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawLine(void* graphics, void* pen, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawLineF(void* graphics, void* pen, float startX, float startY, float endX, float endY) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawLines(void* graphics, void* pen, int count, void* points) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawLinesF(void* graphics, void* pen, int count, void* points) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawRectangle(void* graphics, void* pen, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawRectangleF(void* graphics, void* pen, float x, float y, float w, float h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawString(void* graphics, const char* str, void* font, float x, float y, void* brush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawStringFormatPoint(void* graphics, const char* str, void* font, float x, float y, void* format, void* brush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsDrawStringFormatRect(void* graphics, const char* str, void* font, float x, float y, float w, float h, void* format, void* brush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFillEllipse(void* graphics, void* brush, float x, float y, float w, float h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFillPolygon(void* graphics, void* brush, int count, void* points) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFillPolygonF(void* graphics, void* brush, int count, void* points) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFillRectangle(void* graphics, void* brush, int x, int y, int w, int h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFillRectangleF(void* graphics, void* brush, float x, float y, float w, float h) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFontFamilyGetLastStatus(void* fontFamily) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFontGetLastStatus(void* font) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsFontToHFont(void* font, void* graphics, void*& hfont) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetClip(void* graphics, void* region) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsGetDpiX(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsGetDpiY(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetEncoderClsId(const char* imageFormat, void* clsid) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetFontFamily(void* font, void* fontFamily) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetFontFamilyName(void* fontFamily, wchar*& str) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsGetFontHeight(void* font, const void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsGetFontSize(void* font) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetFontStyle(void* font) |
public extern cdecl nothrow const void* |
WinGraphicsGetGenericDefaultStringFormat() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const void* |
WinGraphicsGetGenericMonospaceFontFamily() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const void* |
WinGraphicsGetGenericSansSerifFontFamily() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const void* |
WinGraphicsGetGenericSerifFontFamily() |
public extern cdecl nothrow const void* |
WinGraphicsGetGenericTypographicStringFormat() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsGetHDC(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetLastStatus(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsGetPageScale(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetPageUnit(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetSmoothingMode(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetTextRenderingHint(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsGetTransform(void* graphics, void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsImageAttributesGetLastStatus(void* imageAttributes) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsImageAttributesSetColorKey(void* imageAttributes, byte colorLowAlpha, byte colorLowRed, byte colorLowGreen, byte colorLowBlue, byte colorHighAlpha, byte colorHighRed, byte colorHighGreen, byte colorHighBlue, int colorAdjustType) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
WinGraphicsImageGetHeight(void* image) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsImageGetLastStatus(void* image) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
WinGraphicsImageGetWidth(void* image) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsImageSave(void* image, const char* fileName, const void* encoderClsId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsInvertMatrix(void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixGetLastStatus(void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsMatrixOffsetX(void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsMatrixOffsetY(void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixRotate(void* matrix, float angle, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixRotateAt(void* matrix, float angle, float centerX, float centerY, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixScale(void* matrix, float scaleX, float scaleY, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixSetElements(void* matrix, float m11, float m12, float m21, float m22, float dx, float dy) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixShear(void* matrix, float shearX, float shearY, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixTransformPoints(void* matrix, void* points, int numPoints) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixTransformPointsF(void* matrix, void* points, int numPoints) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMatrixTranslate(void* matrix, float offsetX, float offsetY, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMeasureStringFormatPoint(void* graphics, const char* str, void* font, float x, float y, void* format, float& outX, float& outY, float& outW, float& outH) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMeasureStringFormatRect(void* graphics, const char* str, void* font, float x, float y, float w, float h, void* format, float& outX, float& outY, float& outW, float& outH, int* codePointsFitted, int* linesFilled) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMeasureStringFormatSize(void* graphics, const char* str, void* font, float w, float h, void* format, float& outSizeW, float& outSizeH, int* codePointsFitted, int* linesFilled) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMultiplyMatrix(void* matrix, void* factorMatrix, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsMultiplyTransform(void* graphics, void* matrix, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetAlignment(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinGraphicsPenGetBrush(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetColor(void* pen, byte& alpha, byte& red, byte& green, byte& blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetDashCap(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow float |
WinGraphicsPenGetDashOffset(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetDashStyle(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetEndCap(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetLastStatus(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetLineJoin(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenGetStartCap(void* pen) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetAlignment(void* pen, int alignment) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetBrush(void* pen, void* brush) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetColor(void* pen, byte alpha, byte red, byte green, byte blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetDashCap(void* pen, int dashCap) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetDashOffset(void* pen, float dashOffset) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetDashStyle(void* pen, int dashStyle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetEndCap(void* pen, int endCap) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetLineJoin(void* pen, int lineJoin) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsPenSetStartCap(void* pen, int startCap) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsRegionGetLastStatus(void* region) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsResetMatrix(void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsResetTransform(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsRestore(void* graphics, uint graphicsState) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsRotateTransform(void* graphics, float angle, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
WinGraphicsSave(void* graphics) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsScaleTransform(void* graphics, float scaleX, float scaleY, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsSetClipRect(void* graphics, int x, int y, int w, int h, int combineMode) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsSetClipRegion(void* graphics, void* region) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsSetPageScale(void* graphics, float scale) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsSetPageUnit(void* graphics, int unit) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsSetSmoothingMode(void* graphics, int smoothingMode) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsSetTextRenderingHint(void* graphics, int textRenderingHint) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsSetTransform(void* graphics, void* matrix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsStringFormatGetLastStatus(void* stringFormat) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsStringFormatSetAlignment(void* stringFormat, int alignment) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsStringFormatSetHotKeyPrefix(void* stringFormat, int hotKeyPrefix) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsStringFormatSetLineAlignment(void* stringFormat, int alignment) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinGraphicsTranslateTransform(void* graphics, float offsetX, float offsetY, int order) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinHideCaret(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinInit(void* messageProcessorFunctionAddress, void* keyPreviewFunctionAddress) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinInvalidateRect(void* windowHandle, void* rect, bool eraseBackground) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinIsClipboardFormatAvailable(uint format) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinKeyPressed(int keyCode) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinKillTimer(void* windowHandle, uint timerId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinLoadBitmap(const char* bitmapName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinLoadCursor(const char* cursorName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinLoadIcon(const char* iconName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinLoadImage(const char* name, uint type, int cx, int cy) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinLoadStandardBitmap(int bitmapId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinLoadStandardCursor(int cursorId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinLoadStandardIcon(int iconId) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinMessageBeep(uint beepType) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinMoveWindow(void* windowHandle, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool repaint) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinOpenClipboard(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinPostMessage(void* windowHandle, uint msg, uint wparam, long lparam) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinPostQuitMessage(int exitCode) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinPtInRect(void* rect, void* point) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinRegCloseKey(void* key) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinRegGetDWordValue(void* key, const char* subKey, const char* valueName, uint& value) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinRegOpenCurrentUser(void** result) |
public extern cdecl nothrow uint |
WinRegisterClipboardFormat(const char* formatName) |
public extern cdecl nothrow ushort |
WinRegisterWindowClass(const char* windowClassName, uint style, int backgroundColor) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinReleaseCapture() |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinReleaseHDC(void* windowHandle, void* hdc) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinRemoveClipboardFormatListener(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinResetEvent(void* eventHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinRestoreOriginalWndProc(void* windowHandle, void* originalWndProc) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinRun() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void |
WinRunModal() |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinScreenToClient(void* windowHandle, void* point) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinScrollWindow(void* windowHandle, int xAmount, int yAmount, int clientLocX, int clientLocY, int clientSizeW, int clientSizeH, int clipLocX, int clipLocY, int clipSizeW, int clipSizeH) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinScrollWindowEx(void* windowHandle, int dx, int dy, int clientLocX, int clientLocY, int clientSizeW, int clientSizeH, int clipLocX, int clipLocY, int clipSizeW, int clipSizeH, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
WinSendMessage(void* windowHandle, uint msg, uint wparam, long lparam) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinSetBkColor(void* hdc, byte red, byte green, byte blue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinSetCapture(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinSetCaretPos(int x, int y) |
public extern cdecl nothrow long |
WinSetClassLong(void* windowHandle, int index, long value) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinSetClipboardData(uint format, void* mem) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinSetCursor(void* cursorHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinSetEvent(void* eventHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinSetFocus(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl void |
WinSetInstance() |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinSetParent(void* childWindowHandle, void* parentWindowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinSetScrollInfo(void* windowHandle, int nBar, uint fMask, bool redraw, uint nPage, int nPos, int nMin, int nMax) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinSetTimer(void* windowHandle, uint timerId, uint elapseMs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinSetWindowLong(void* windowHandle, int index, long newValue) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinSetWindowPos(void* windowHandle, void* insertAfterWindowHandle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, uint flags) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinSetWindowText(void* windowHandle, const char* text) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinShellExecute(const char* filePath, long& errorCode) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinShowCaret(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinShowMessageBox(const char* text, const char* caption) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinShowMessageBoxWithType(const char* text, const char* caption, void* ownerWindowHandle, uint type) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinShowScrollBar(void* windowHandle, int nBar, bool show) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinShowWindow(void* windowHandle, int commandShow) |
public extern cdecl nothrow void* |
WinSubClassCommandWndProc(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinTrackMouseEvent(void* windowHandle, uint flags, uint hoverTimeMs) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinUpdateWindow(void* windowHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow bool |
WinWaitEvent(void* eventHandle) |
public extern cdecl nothrow int |
WinWaitForMultipleObjects(uint count, void** handles) |