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ShiftLeftNode Class

Definition at line 175 of Expression.hpp


ShiftLeftNode(const Span& span_)
ShiftLeftNode(const Span& span_, Node* left_, Node* right_)

Member Functions

void Accept(Visitor& visitor) override
Node* Clone(CloneContext& cloneContext) const override
std::string ToString() const override

Constructor Details

ShiftLeftNode Constructor

sngcm::ast::ShiftLeftNode::ShiftLeftNode(const Span& span_)

Definition at line 385 of Expression.cpp :
 385 : BinaryNode(NodeType::shiftLeftNodespan_)
 386 {
 387 }

Declaration at line 178 of Expression.hpp

ShiftLeftNode Constructor

sngcm::ast::ShiftLeftNode::ShiftLeftNode(const Span& span_, Node * left_, Node * right_)

Definition at line 389 of Expression.cpp :
 389 : BinaryNode(NodeType::shiftLeftNodespan_left_right_)
 390 {
 391 }

Declaration at line 179 of Expression.hpp

Member Function Details

Accept Member Function

void sngcm::ast::ShiftLeftNode::Accept(Visitor & visitor) override

Definition at line 398 of Expression.cpp :
 399 {
 400     visitor.Visit(*this);
 401 }

Declaration at line 181 of Expression.hpp

Base class overridden functions: sngcm::ast::Node::Accept

Calls: sngcm::ast::Visitor::Visit

Clone Member Function

Node * sngcm::ast::ShiftLeftNode::Clone(CloneContext & cloneContext) const override

Definition at line 393 of Expression.cpp :
 394 {
 395     return new ShiftLeftNode(GetSpan()Left()->Clone(cloneContext)Right()->Clone(cloneContext));
 396 }

Declaration at line 180 of Expression.hpp

Base class overridden functions: sngcm::ast::Node::Clone

Calls: sngcm::ast::BinaryNode::Left , sngcm::ast::BinaryNode::Right , sngcm::ast::Node::Clone , sngcm::ast::Node::GetSpan

ToString Member Function

std::string sngcm::ast::ShiftLeftNode::ToString() const override

Definition at line 403 of Expression.cpp :
 404 {
 405     return Left()->ToString() + " << " + Right()->ToString();
 406 }

Declaration at line 182 of Expression.hpp

Base class overridden functions: sngcm::ast::Node::ToString

Calls: sngcm::ast::BinaryNode::Left , sngcm::ast::BinaryNode::Right , sngcm::ast::Node::ToString

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