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CmajorTokens Namespace


struct Initializer


int GetTokenId(const std::u32string& tokenName)
const char* GetTokenInfo(int tokenId)
const char* GetTokenName(int tokenId)
void InitTokenIdMap()


const int ABSTRACT
const int AMP
const int AMPAMP
const int AND
const int ARROW
const int AS
const int ASSERT
const int ASSIGN
const int AXIOM
const int BASE
const int BITOR
const int BITXOR
const int BOOL
const int BREAK
const int BYTE
const int CASE
const int CAST
const int CATCH
const int CDECL
const int CHAR
const int CHARLIT
const int CLASS
const int COLON
const int COMMA
const int CONCEPT
const int CONST
const int CONSTEXPR
const int CONSTRUCT
const int CONTINUE
const int CPL
const int DEFAULT
const int DELEGATE
const int DELETE
const int DESTROY
const int DIV
const int DO
const int DOT
const int DOUBLE
const int ELIF
const int ELSE
const int END
const int ENDIF
const int ENUM
const int EQ
const int EXPLICIT
const int EXTERN
const int FALSE
const int FLOAT
const int FOR
const int GEQ
const int GOTO
const int HASH
const int ID
const int IF
const int INLINE
const int INT
const int INTERFACE
const int INTERNAL
const int INTLIT
const int IS
const int LANGLE
const int LBRACE
const int LBRACKET
const int LEQ
const int LONG
const int LPAREN
const int MINUS
const int MINUSMINUS
const int NAMESPACE
const int NEQ
const int NEW
const int NOTHROW
const int NULLLIT
const int OPERATOR
const int OR
const int OVERRIDE
const int PLUS
const int PLUSPLUS
const int PRIVATE
const int PROTECTED
const int PUBLIC
const int RANGLE
const int RBRACE
const int RBRACKET
const int REM
const int RETURN
const int RPAREN
const int SBYTE
const int SEMICOLON
const int SHIFTLEFT
const int SHIFTRIGHT
const int SHORT
const int SIZEOF
const int STAR
const int STATIC
const int STRINGLIT
const int SUPPRESS
const int SWITCH
const int THIS
const int THROW
const int TRUE
const int TRY
const int TYPEDEF
const int TYPEID
const int TYPENAME
const int UCHAR
const int UINT
const int ULONG
const int UNIT_TEST
const int USHORT
const int USING
const int VIRTUAL
const int VOID
const int WCHAR
const int WHERE
const int WHILE
const int WINAPI
Initializer initializer
std::map<std::u32string, int> tokenIdMap

Function Details

GetTokenId Function

int CmajorTokens::GetTokenId(const std::u32string& tokenName)

Definition at line 136 of CmajorTokens.cpp
Declaration at line 136 of CmajorTokens.hpp

GetTokenInfo Function

const char * CmajorTokens::GetTokenInfo(int tokenId)

Definition at line 406 of CmajorTokens.cpp :
407 {
408     return tokenInfo[tokenId];
409 }

Declaration at line 138 of CmajorTokens.hpp

GetTokenName Function

const char * CmajorTokens::GetTokenName(int tokenId)

Definition at line 275 of CmajorTokens.cpp :
276 {
277     return tokenName[tokenId];
278 }

Declaration at line 137 of CmajorTokens.hpp

InitTokenIdMap Function

void CmajorTokens::InitTokenIdMap()

Definition at line 11 of CmajorTokens.cpp
Declaration at line 135 of CmajorTokens.hpp

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